The Lord’s Capacity To Bless You is Unlimited…

The Lord’s capacity to bless us is unlimited, because His resources are abundant and unlimited…Period.

The fallen world we live in is skewed to the physical, materialistic things we can see, not the eternal blessings of the Lord, which are just as real, but not visible.  Many focus on the icons of the rich, who can afford to buy what they want, while in the shadows there are many who cannot get what they need to just survive.
Ecclesiastes 1:8–Everything is wearisome beyond description. No matter how much we see, we are never satisfied. No matter how much we hear, we are not content.

Because of the world that we can see (and are focused on because of media exposure), it is hard to comprehend God’s unseen world of lavish provisions  and glorious riches, reserved for those who believe in Him.

By spending time in the Lord’s presence here today, and every day, we get short glimpses of God’s abundance that will be eternally available to us in Heaven.
Philippians 4:19–And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.

Our faith in Him now, enables us to receive the blessings of His Presence as we make our way through the day.  We receive His peace,strength, and joy moment by moment, step by step as we keep our focus on our faith in Him rather than the visible distractions of the world that are being thrown at us from all directions.

Have faith in Him that you cannot see, rather than the false and misleading faith in things that you can see in the world around you.
2 Corinthians 5:7–For we live by believing and not by seeing.

My Prayer For This Day: 
Lord, thank you for showing me the difference between your world of eternal abundance in heaven; and the world of Satan’s fleeting pleasures. Lord, you created this world from your unlimited resources; and made it available to your creation, man. But due to man’s sinful nature, the world today is nowhere close to the riches of your kingdom in Heaven. Yet so many in this broken world pursue its temporary treasures while not seeing the promise of of your eternal riches in Heaven. Lord, I pray you open their hearts and show them what their eyes cannot see… and that one person at a time will become aware of the true love you have waiting for them.