A Morning Prayer to Start Our Day

Blessed are you, Lord,  my God, King of the Universe, Prince of Peace, King of Kings, Lord of Lords.

Heavenly Father, Creator of heaven and earth, Lord of all that is, and all there ever will be;  I thank you for this day that you have made, and I pray this morning prayer to you and through your Holy Spirit, who lives in my heart.

Lord, I thank you and I praise you for all your blessings, and for being with me, despite my weak, human sinful failings and frailties.

Lord, you endured the cross, so that I, a wretched worldly sinner, with many, many sins of the heart and flesh, could have a forgiven heart and soul, that in a thousand years I could never earn. Lord, I thank you and I praise you for that Holy Sacrifice you made on the Cross for my salvation, peace of mind, and spirit.

Lord, I thank you and I praise you for your understanding, (when nobody else does), your forgiveness and grace, and your unfailing, unconditional love, from which nothing can ever separate me. Your Love never fails!

Lord, may your Holy Spirit help me quiet my wandering, wondering thoughts and my chaotic mind this morning, so we may focus on studying your Holy Word together, learning it’s Life Lessons that put me on your right path throughout this day.

And Lord, as we go forward into this day, I ask that your Holy Spirit will be with me, and act in my life to:

1. Help me continue to be aware of, and thankful for, your presence in my life throughout this day (My first priority),  regardless of my present circumstances and any trials I may be facing…

2. Strengthen my faith in you, my trust in you, my hope in you, my love in you, and help me change my life for you and in you…

3. Help me know your will and purpose for me. Please help me be brave and courageous, as I use my thoughts, my decisions, my words, and my actions all according to your will.

4. Give me spiritual wisdom and understanding of your ways of Peace and Love, that I may better serve you by: Comforting, Encouraging, Helping, and Loving others wherever I am, and with whatever I have…

5. Help me live to honor and please you with quiet, confident trust and thankfulness;  in the thoughts I think, the decisions I make, the words I say, and the actions I take. And help me to not be a people pleaser or world pleaser.

6. Help me discern and know your joy in me, as well as my joy and thankfulness in you, for your Presence in my life today.

7. Provide spiritual and physical healing mercies for me today, according to your will and purpose for me, in your own perfect timing. And as I pray for others this morning, I pray that you will provide spiritual and physical healing mercies for them, according to your will and purpose for them, in your own perfect timing.

So for the honor of your name, O Lord, I ask you, turn to me and have mercy. Forgive my many sins, for I am alone and in deep distress without you. Give me the peace and joy of your Presence, your forgiveness and grace for my many, many sins, your comfort in my distress, and your companionship in my loneliness. And Lord, help me to make it through this day, moment by moment, step by step, using your strength, your patience, your wisdom, your courage, and your endurance, as I live this day with you, my constant companion, by my side.

Lord, make your way plain for me to follow today, and lead me on the right path.

Blessed are you Lord, My God, King of the Universe, Prince of Peace, King of Kings, Lord of Lords.

I pray all this in the name of your Son and my precious Savior and Risen King, Jesus Christ, Amen