In This World We See Him Through Faith, In Heaven We Will See Him Face to Face

Blessed Assurances…

Practice: the discipline of walking with Him through each moment of the day. 

Every day that we walk through this broken, fallen world we live in, we are faced with myriads of distractions, temptations, and the fiery arrows of the evil one’s efforts to keep us from focusing on the Good Lord’s Presence in our lives.  Satan wants us to forget that: we really are safe and secure in God’s Presence as we navigate through each day moment by moment, with Him by our side as our Comforter and Constant Companion. During those moments, we are never really separated from Him, though you must see Him through eyes of Faith…

“For we live by believing (Faith) not by seeing.” 2 Corinthians 5:7

“Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God knows me completely.” 1 Corinthians 13:12

When you get distracted from focusing on His Presence with you, you may experience loneliness or fear… But take heart, turn your thoughts back to the Lord, and the awareness of His Presence and accompanying Peace will displace the negative feelings. He gladly and lovingly accepts you back from your loss of focus, with His Peace, Comfort, and Companionship.

“The Lord gives His people Strength. The Lord blesses them with His Peace.” Psalm 29:11

Let Us Pray:

Lord, thank you for your assurances each day; that you are with me and ready to help me through the trials of the coming day. Lord, my thoughts and my feelings betray me every day, and distract me from my focus on you and all you do for me. But Lord, there has been great progress in our personal relationship, because your unfailing and unconditional Love, coupled with your Holy Word, has kept my awareness of you in the forefront of my mind. That awareness of your Presence has enabled me to readily come to you, and ask for your refuge and Peace from the onslaught of the evil one’s fiery arrows…instead of descending further into fear and loneliness.

I pray all this in the name of your Son and my precious Savior and Risen King, Jesus Christ…Amen

Blessed Are you, My God, King of the Universe, Prince of Peace, King of Kings, Lord of Lords…