Looking To Fill The Void In Your Heart…? The World And It’s Fleeting Pleasures Is Not The answer…

If we all could just push our prideful nature aside for just a moment, we would all admit that we yearn to fill that empty, lonely feeling that exists in our hearts…How to fill that void is the age-old quandary all humans find themselves in…How we each go about filling that hole in our heart is the challenge of our lifetime…

Our human sinful nature drives us to seek fulfillment and perfection by way of the false “fixes” that exist in the  fallen and imperfect world we live in.  Money, status, accomplishments, physical human relationships, and buying lots of material “stuff” is just a small sample of the things that the evil one throws at us in this world; in order to try to distract us from the one only true source of fulfillment of our heart’s desires…God…all of those other things lead only to frustration and failure in our quest to acquire peace for our aching hearts.

As Solomon, and Paul years later, wrote, “it is all meaningless-Like chasing the wind.”– (Ecclesiastes 1:14)  “I once thought these things valuable , but now I consider them worthless, because of what Christ has done.  Yes, everything is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus, my Lord.  For His sake I have discarded everything else, counting it all as garbage, so that I could gain Christ and become one with Him.” Philippians 3:7-9

The world we live in has been in a broken and fallen state, tainted by sin, since man’s first sin in the Garden of Eden.  There is nothing perfect or lasting that can bring contentment to our soul without God.

Pursuing false pleasures creates a sense of contentment in our lives which usually is short-lived and disappointing…Leaving us with a sense of “that’s not it.”

The Lord put that yearning in our hearts to enable us to seek Him during our earthly lives  and to see the difference between the world’s falseness and the Lord’s true love and caring for us…He gave us the divine nature of making a choice…Finding fulfillment through Him, instead of the temporary pleasures of the evil one’s world.

Exodus 20:3-4–You must not have any other god but me.  “You must not make for yourself an idol of any kind or an image of anything in the heavens or on the earth or in the sea. You must not bow down to them or worship them, for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God who will not tolerate your affection for any other gods.

That is why, try as we may, the only way to easing of the emptiness of our heart is through seeking and attaining the Presence of the Lord in our hearts and our minds.  The right way is to make Him the object of our heart’s true desires and to let Him satisfy that long burning quest for true heavenly perfection.
Psalm 37:4–Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires.

My Prayer For this Day: 

Lord, I stand convicted before you; in the fact that for so many years I sought the satisfaction of my heart through the ways of the world…I was trying to satisfy the yearning for fulfillment in my heart through the attainment of status, money, human relationships, and worldly stuff.  Lord, thank you for helping me to see that all that was meaningless, and that the only way to permanently fill the void in my heart was by opening my eyes to your perfection… Lord, thank you for helping me to return to your path of righteousness and love.

Author: Ed Koops

Ed Koops is a retired Telecommunications Systems Engineering and Construction Executive. Working for over thirty years in this industry enabled him to experience the "Nothingness" of the World without the Lord in his life. He learned that you should count as "lost" each day you have not used in loving God.