We Live in Dark Times. Thank Him For Being With You In the Midst of All the Chaos In the World.

“Dear brothers and sisters, When troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete , needing nothing. – James 1:2-4

You noticed that James did not say “If” trouble comes your way, but “When” it does. He knew that we live in a broken world that has much evil and strife facing us everyday. He assumes that we “will” have trouble and that it is possible to profit spiritually from them. The point is to not to pretend to be happy when we face pain, but to have a positive outlook (“consider it an opportunity for great joy”) because of what troubles can produce in our life. He tell us to turn our hardships into times of learning. Tough times can teach us perseverance.

Even though we face many trials in this broken and fallen world we live in, it should give us great “Joy” that we have a helper with much stronger and broader shoulders with which He can carry the burdens of all of our troubles. By staying close to Him in our thoughts and prayers, He stands ready to help us with our trials. Just knowing and experiencing that fact strengthens our faith and trust in Him, daily…

” I lie awake thinking of you, meditating on you through the night. Because you are my helper (though I am suffering) I sing for joy in the shadow of your wings. I cling to you, your strong right hand holds me securely.” Psalm 63:6-8

We all have trials and troubles everyday. And we each face the choice (actually many choice-points during the day) of whether we choose to pridefully  “go-it-alone in our weakness” or to “walk with Him in humble steps of dependence,” trusting in His strength and wisdom.

The choice is ours…

Just know that He stands ready to help at a moments notice..You don’t have to wait for Him to call back, or find the time…He is with you always…

My Prayer for this day:

Lord, I thank you and I praise you for all your blessings, and for being with me, despite my weak human, sinful failings and frailties. Lord, I ask you for your help in each and every day of my life. For too many years I faced life’s trials without you, relying on myself , a friend, or a relationship, all poorly equipped to deal with the distractions and temptations that each day try to keep me from the most important relationship in my life – with you, Lord. I look forward to the joy of facing life today with you, my Lord, as my shepherd and eternal helper. 

Blessed are you, my Lord, King of the Universe, Prince of Peace…


Living and Coping in a Broken and Chaotic World…

The broken state of our country, its people, and the world we live in, will soon fade away. Focus on the Lord to find the good amidst the chaos around you.

“Don’t worry about the wicked , or envy those who do wrong. For like the grass, they soon fade away. Like spring flowers they soon wither. Trust in the Lord and do good. Then you will live safely in the land and prosper. Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act. Don’t worry about evil people who prosper or fret about their wicked schemes.” Continue reading “Living and Coping in a Broken and Chaotic World…”

Words of Encouragement For the New Year…Be Thankful and Prayerful

As we embark upon a new year, we are faced by myriad of circumstances that attest to the fact that we are living in dark times.  The world we live in is broken , in fact the world has been broken for  thousands of years, and just the names of the evil empires  have changed over the millennia. (Babylonians,Romans, Greeks,  Persians, right up to Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and the latest New World Order Oligarchs)

“The nations are in chaos, and their kingdoms crumble.”           Psalm 46:6

Continue reading “Words of Encouragement For the New Year…Be Thankful and Prayerful”

The Best Christmas Gift of All – The Lord Came to Earth As A Human, In Order To Save Us From Ourselves!

What an amazing legacy Jesus established when he came to earth as a small baby, born in a smelly stable on that cold winter night in Bethlehem so long ago. He gave up His Glory so that we may share in that Glory by believing in Him.

“ though he was rich, yet, for your sake’s, he became poor, so that by his poverty he could make you rich.” 2 Corinthians 8:9

Thus started an epic thirty three year journey of sacrifice and persecution, in order to assure our salvation and place in heaven. He accepted the limitations of infancy and humanness, under the most appalling conditions-a filthy stable-so that he could identify with mankind, and provide the  Light of the Knowledge of His Glory for all to see, experience, and accept. Continue reading “The Best Christmas Gift of All – The Lord Came to Earth As A Human, In Order To Save Us From Ourselves!”

Merry Christmas, Everyone…May the Lord’s Peace Be With You and Your Loved Ones!

May the Lord be with you on this sacred day of remembrance of the birth of our savior, Jesus Christ. And may we all celebrate the gift He gave us that Holy Night so long ago.. the gift of our rebirth into eternal life with him forever.

“Because of God’s tender mercy, the morning light from Heaven is about to break upon us, to give light for those who sits in darkness, and in the shadow of death, and to guide us to the path of peace.” Luke 1:78-79

As I talk to people during this holiday period, it is sad that so many can’t bring themselves to be at Peace and full of Thanks for the significance of the Lord’s gift to us…Rather, I hear anxiety and worry from people, a dread of being with family and friends due to conflict and broken relationships. That is the sign of a people that have truly lost the meaning of Christmas. It must break the Lord’s heart. Continue reading “Merry Christmas, Everyone…May the Lord’s Peace Be With You and Your Loved Ones!”

Practice the Presence of God in Your Life Today!

Our Lord’s Holy Presence, by way of  his Holy Spirit,  is with us always, as promised. BUT, are we with Him?

As we arise every morning , our minds are immediately bombarded with thoughts of what the coming day is going to be like. The Evil one is there with his manufactured anxieties, worries and distracting activities. He is  hoping to sidetrack what your first morning thoughts should be; Praise and thanks to God for the day that he has made for you.

Practice this simple prayer upon waking…You can even say this while you are still in bed!

Heavenly Father, Creator of Heaven and Earth: Lord of all that is, and all there ever will be, I thank you for this day that you have made, and I pray this morning prayer with you and to you… (Supporting scripture for these holy words: John 1:1-5/Philippians  4:8/Psalm 118:24) Continue reading “Practice the Presence of God in Your Life Today!”

We Live in a Broken World, But Surprise, Surprise…There is Nothing New in that Fact!

Man’s human sinful nature and his inhumanity to his fellow man, has remained  consistently present through out history. Only the actors and players change over the years. Someone is always trying to be the new “Dr. Evil” and forcing the “One World Government” concept on the rest of humanity. You name it: the Babylonians, the Greeks, the Romans, The Colonial Empires, right up to Hitler and Stalin…They all have been driven to try to force oppression on everyone else at the expense of freedom and liberty.

AND THEY ALL FAIL…!! Continue reading “We Live in a Broken World, But Surprise, Surprise…There is Nothing New in that Fact!”

godsbattlefield.com Where We Learn to Personally Fight the Battle Between Good and Evil.

The mind is where good and evil fight for our soul. In this battle for control of your mind and your thought life (good vs. bad influences) you need to acknowledge your weaknesses for what they really are… your inborn human sinful nature…and ask the Lord’s Holy Spirit to join you in this deadly battle. He can give you the strength, wisdom, and energy for the fight to keep your focus on the Lord and His ways.

Romans 8:5-6–Paul wrote to the Romans: “Those who are dominated by the sinful nature think about sinful things, but those who are controlled by the Holy Spirit think about things that please the Spirit. So letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death. But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace.”

I like to put it in a more direct c0ntext:

You are what you think…! Continue reading “godsbattlefield.com Where We Learn to Personally Fight the Battle Between Good and Evil.”

Blessed Are You, My God, King of the Universe, Prince of Peace

I try everyday to ask Him for help in acting, saying, and thinking the right things, as I go out into this broken and fallen world we live in.

And Lord, as we go forward into this day, I ask that your Holy Spirit will be with me, and act in my life to help me live to:

Honor and please you, with the decisions I make, the actions I take, the words I say, and the thoughts I think… And help me to not be a people pleaser or world pleaser.  Continue reading “Blessed Are You, My God, King of the Universe, Prince of Peace”

The Real Reason For Christmas? Jesus Was Sent To Reset Our Perspective On Life…

When the world around us seems to be falling apart, it is really difficult to focus on the Christmas Promise of Joy and Peace, that Jesus’ birth signifies.

What with the world at each other’s throats, inflation making it hard put food on the table, and gas in the car, and even families divided because of the scourge of a “Woke Society,” it seems that there is not much hope for a way out of it all.

But there was a ray of Hope sent to Earth 2200 years ago.

“Because of God’s tender mercy, the morning light of Heaven is about to break upon us, to give light to those who sits in darkness and in the shadow of death, and guide us to the path of peace.”  Luke 1:78

Continue reading “The Real Reason For Christmas? Jesus Was Sent To Reset Our Perspective On Life…”